“When you do something because you're angry, you almost always do the wrong thing.” -Christopher Pike, WITCH
CHAIN LETTER (Avon, YA) is the first Christopher Pike book I read.(A sequel came later but I will stick to details of the first book.) In CHAIN LETTER, a group of teens are riding in a car, they have been drinking, they get a little crazy, and the car hits a man out in the desert. When the teens get out, they see the man is dead. Panicking, the teens bury him. Some time later, the teens involved in the accident start getting messages from an unidentified person who claims to know about the sin they committed. This person, who calls himself the Caretaker, seems to know them personally. He demands that each teen perform various tasks (e.g. burn down the school) and when the teens disobey his orders, bad things happen. One teen disappears. Another is killed in a fire. At the end, the teens learn that one among their group is the Caretaker.
This book reminds us to be careful behind the wheel, whether we're drivers or passengers. Beyond that, it also asks: How
well do you really know the people you call your friends?
Have you read CHAIN LETTER? Have ever thought you knew someone and then later realized you really didn't?
Have you read CHAIN LETTER? Have ever thought you knew someone and then later realized you really didn't?
Sounds like a good plot line.
Keith Channing A-Zing from http://keithkreates.com
Sounds like a creepy but good story. Yes, sadly don't we sometimes find out we don't really know someone?
That sounds like a great book! Spooky and thought provoking. Makes you wonder how well you do know people. Do they only show their true colors during bad times?
Cheers - Ellen | http://thecynicalsailor.blogspot.co.nz/2016/04/c-is-for-catamaran-nancy-drew.html
I bet that came long before the crappy film I Know What You Did Last Summer.
First I've heard of this one. Sounds intriguing indeed. And yeah, some people we never truly know as well as we think.
I've seen people change over time, but I've rarely found out something shocking about a friend that was there all along, but hidden. Acquaintances, maybe...
I used to love Christopher Pike when I was younger. The first one of his I read was Witch and that got me hooked until I had read them all :)
I actually did my blog on Christopher Pike today too, but I don't remember Chain Letter at all. I've been thinking about getting in the way back machine and rereading some of them. I loved Christopher Pike too; I think that a lot of his books dealt with important themes like that, but from what I remember, a lot of them also dealt with the question of "who can you really trust?" I'm very selective with my friends, so for the most part, I've been lucky. I can't think of anyone who's been significantly different from what I thought.
@DoreeWeller from
Doree Weller’s Blog
Sounds like a great read! I've walked away from only one friendship when she became caught up in things I couldn't help her out of.
These kids were actually all in it together and carrying one heck of a burden. Guilt can make anyone vulnerable.
Sounds a bit frightening to me.
Wow spooky! It certainly does teach the lesson that our actions have consequences!
The plot sounds familiar. But I don't think I've read this one. Pike's name is also familiar. I'm sure I read something by him.
Wow! What a flashback! I read a lot of Christopher Pike books when I was younger. Scavenger Hunt and Bury Me Deep are two I remember! Hello from www.jennyrightside.com and the #AtoZChallenge!
I haven't read any by Christopher Pike nor heard of this book. Could be a downright scary one I think! But you are right, valuable lesson about not drinking and driving and being sure you absolutely know who your friends are :)
I think I've read this because I remember the story being so scary and tense. Great choice!
I remember Christopher Pike's books as a teen...they were always super scary and kinda dark for the age group they targeted back then. At that time, tweens read teen books and teens read adult stuff, so most YA books were lightweight...like Sweet Valley High. He's still going strong, too. Good for him!
I haven't read this author's books! I do like YA and this does remind me of a movie, I saw. I like your A-Z theme~
I haven't read Chain Letter, but now I want to. What a sad story, but one with a lesson, I imagine.
This book sounds terrifying but thrilling. It would make a good movie.
This book sounds terrifying but thrilling. It would make a good movie.
OMG, I never read this one. BUT. He also wrote a book called Sati about a blonde haired, blue eyed Sati and I was convinced as a teen that somehow I had to meet him to find out how he got the idea for that one. Haven't done it yet. Maybe someday. ;-)
I love your blog design, simple & elegant. Title is cool, too. :-)
Thanks for sharing!
Forgot to say...because I am a blonde, blue-eyed Sati (I've never met another one).
Here is the Pike book:
Sounds like an interesting read, but it may be a bit too terrifying for my taste.
Thanks for following me in the A to Z!
I think back in the teen years, kids are evolving. A lot of people aren't what they seem on the surface.
This sounds spooky, like I Know What You Did Last Summer.
Yvonne V
I have never read Christopher Pike but I've heard very good things abotu his books. Though it seems he was a lot more popular years ago... or is this only my impression?
The Old Shelter - Jazz Age Jazz
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