Some fun news. Earlier this year, I submitted a book review to SCBWI Bulletin,
the quarterly magazine of the Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators. My book review spotlights Jennifer R. Hubbard's LONER IN THE
GARRET: A WRITER'S COMPANION. Shortly after I sent out my review, an editor
informed me that my review was accepted and the check was in the mail. I'm giddy to share that my book review appears in
the Fall 2015 issue of the SCBWI Bulletin. LONER IN THE GARRET is not a
craft book but a book that acknowledges the vast range of emotions writers
experience, including our many insecurities….so this is right up IWSG’s alley.
Karma is another topic I want to
discuss today. The idealist in me has always wanted to believe if you do good
things with clean intentions, you get mostly good things back and if you’re a
jerk, you reap what you sow. Sometimes my inner cynic couldn’t help but to
notice bad things happening to good people and bad people thriving on their
toxic behavior. This is a simplistic statement on my part, as I don’t know every
detail of people’s lives and of course, no one’s perfect. Without going into
specifics, I still know enough to confidently make this generalization. While a
number of stories in my writerly mind come from a hopeful and optimistic place,
at other times, they come from a cynical perspective too. I find that some
people refuse to acknowledge the grain (or bushel) of truth that can exist
in the latter of these narrations. But I hope if I ever pursue the writing of these stories,
they will find a welcoming audience that gets it.
What books for writers do you
Do you believe in karma? Why or
why not?